The Power of Words

What are some images that come to mind when you think of the color Black? Do you think of death? Or maybe sadness? Perhaps you think of evil. Now consider the images that come to mind when you think of the color white. Is it purity? Heaven? New beginnings? Have you ever considered why we generally associate positivity with the color white, while we often tend to associate darkness and evil with the color Black? Imagine how this simple dichotomy between the colors Black and white shape how we view the world. When we see a Black man profiled on the news, are we more likely to remove any negative associations or are our brains hardwired to revert to the negative connotations often associated with Blackness?

Our use of language can influence our perception of our world. Words shape our reality and our understanding of the world around us. As brands, mindful construction of messaging and rhetoric can alleviate offending audience members. Unthoughtful use of language can inadvertently reveal elitism, ignorance to one’s cultural norms and values. Here are some tips to help your brand use language effectively:

  • Understand word connotation – Depending on the term, one’s culture and background may attach a different meaning or emotional attachment to its definition. For example, for some use the term minority to describe a demographic of people who do not occupy the majority population based on numbers. Those categorized as minorities, however, may take offense to the term’s root of minor. Simple adjustment of how one refers to individuals may create a more inclusive message, connecting with all audiences.

  •  Research cultural interpretations of terms – Many words have multiple interpretations across languages. While one culture may use one word to describe a seemingly simple concept or idea, that same term may be offensive to someone outside of that cultural demographic. When crafting language and messaging that illustrates your brand and its mission, it is important to understand how various cultures may interpret your words and how their meaning may not align with your intended message. Diverse market research is essential in helping brands gain various consumer insights that will shed light on how various audiences may understand and interpret your message.

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Creating Communications Strategies from Market Research for the Multicultural Audience

Non-Profits and the Benefits of Market Research